Handlebars - the next generation
Helper definitions

Helper definitions

The spec defines a number of helpers that are used in test-cases. This is a list of all defined helper, including that JavaScript source code.


Returns the literal string 'a'

function return_literal_a() {
  return "a";


Concatenates two strings

function concat_strings(e, t) {
  return "" + e + t;


Returns the first parameter

function identity(e) {
  return e;


Adds two numbers

function add(e, t) {
  if (typeof e != "number" || typeof t != "number")
    throw new Error("Both parameters must be numbers");
  return e + t;


returns seconds param if first is true, otherwise the third

function if_then_else(e, t, a) {
  if (typeof e != "boolean") throw new Error("Condition must be a boolean");
  return e ? t : a;